Thursday, January 12, 2012


Feeling very lucky for all the wonderful people that have been in my life and are in my life now. I look back over my life and see that Heavenly Father has placed people just where I needed them when I needed them. Honestly I don't know where I would be without such supportive and loving friends and family. I really feel that Heavenly Father works through us, we are his instruments here on the earth. "He has no hands but ours."

I look around just in our ward family and our community and see so many trials and suffering. Some days I wonder what I can do, I'm only one person. Then I think about the many people that have helped me even by just smiling or saying hi. So many have been there when I lost hope, or when I just thought it would be easier to give up. We may be only one person, but if we live close to the spirit and listen we can make that difference in someones life. We can be the angels that bear others up and help them on their way back to our Heavenly home.

Thank you to the many wonderful friends and family that make me laugh, take time to listen and just brighten my day. I am grateful for you and I am grateful for our greatest friend, the one who loves us most, our Savior.

1 comment:

Jess and Matt said...

Thank you, Susan. You have been that angel to save me numerous times. I am so grateful for you and Kirk and your sweet family. I hope to pay it forward someday.