Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

As  I sit here after all the excitement of Christmas morning has subsided I find myself reflecting on my blessings.  The snow is peacefully falling outside the window and I can see the beautiful mountains off in the distance.  I am just feeling very content and happy right now.  Last year at this time I was really struggling to be happy because we were missing our sweet Emily.  I miss her today and that ache is still there, but I feel at peace.  Yes I still have my moments and even days where it still feels fresh, but the Lord has sustained me and sent His spirit.  We are so lucky to have all that we do and to have the knowledge that our Father sent His Son, our brother Jesus Christ, to this earth.  Because of His gift we can find true happiness in Life.  We face so much and life isn't easy, but we have the gift of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to sustain us and lead us back home where we can be together with those we love forever.  God lives, Christ is our Savior.  This isn't just a belief I have, I know it and it is intertwined into who I am.

At this season may you all know of His love for you and remember that it's not about the presents, the decorations and the lights.  It is about our Savior, our brother and our friend.  May He bless you with all that you need at this time!

Love Susan