Wow, have we been busy this fall!!! Some of our activities have included: getting firewood, picking apples and making applesauce from them (29 quarts to be exact!), hauling rock to landscape the yard, building a deck, finishing random outside projects before the snow flies, soccer games and practice, the boys hunting with Uncle Jason and many other fun and not so fun activities!
Last week we went to the ward trunk-or-treat and had a great time watching all the little munchkins and visiting with friends. I'm posting some pictures of pumpkin carving and our costumes. Olivia decided she wanted to be a "hula girl" and put her costume together. Mike was Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes, we had fun spiking his hair. Since Olivia backed out at the last minute I was Hobbes. It actually worked well because he's always bigger than Calvin. Of course everyone kept calling me Tigger! Emily was the "grouchy ladybug" and wouldn't look at Daddy for the picture, she was mad at him. It was a fun evening!
Stay tuned for Emily's latest adventures with Daddy and her new big girl bed!!